Monday, July 12, 2021


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Distracted driving increased during the pandemic, according to a study by Travelers, with a growing number of people reported using their mobile devices while driving. A large contributor is an increasing need to be constantly connected at work with one in four responding saying they answer work related calls and text while behind the wheel.

Pre-pandemic, only 19% of drivers reported using a mobile device for texting or emailing while driving. This year, that jumped 226%. Slightly more than one in 10 reported checking social media while driving before the pandemic, a number that has increased to one in five. And 19% have taken video and pictures behind the wheel during the pandemic, up from 10% pre-pandemic.

With such dangerous driving behaviors, 2020 motor vehicle deaths were up 8% from 2019, which is the highest percentage increase in 13 years, according to the National Safety Council. Be careful. Someone loves you. 

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